Сдружение НГА e преименувана от 2016 г. в "Българско глаукомно дружество" (БГД)

Календар на научните събития през 2019 година

КАЛЕНДАР за 2019г. на международни научни форуми засягащи темата глаукома
А.Тошев,Катедра по офталмология,УМБАЛ „Александровска”

13th EGS European Glaucoma Residents' Course, February 8-9th, 2019, Mainz, Germany;

The 5th Annual Congress on Controversies in Ophthalmology: Asia-Australia, February 21-23th, 2019, Shanghai, China;

AGS Annual Meeting, March 14-17th, 2019, San Francisco, USA;

8th World Glaucoma Congress, March 27-30th, 2019, Melbourne, Australia;

The 10th Annual Congress on Controversies in Ophthalmology (COPHY) 2019, April 4-6th, 2019, Dublin, Ireland;

ARVO 2019, April 28th - May 2nd 2019, Vancouver, Canada;

The Royal College of Ophthalmologists Annual Congress 2019, May 20–23th, 2019;

Nordic Glaucoma Meeting, May 24-25, 2019;

SOE 2019, June 13-16th 2019, Nice, France;

EGS Members' Meeting 2019, August 29-31st 2019, Bordeaux, France;

37th Congress of the ESCRS, September 14-18th 2019, Paris, France;

AAO Meeting, October 12-15th 2019, San Francisco, USA;

EVER 2019, October 17-19th 2019 Nice, France;