Календар на научните събития през 2019 година
КАЛЕНДАР за 2019г. на международни научни форуми засягащи темата глаукома
А.Тошев,Катедра по офталмология,УМБАЛ „Александровска”
13th EGS European Glaucoma Residents' Course, February 8-9th, 2019, Mainz, Germany;
The 5th Annual Congress on Controversies in Ophthalmology: Asia-Australia, February 21-23th, 2019, Shanghai, China;
AGS Annual Meeting, March 14-17th, 2019, San Francisco, USA;
8th World Glaucoma Congress, March 27-30th, 2019, Melbourne, Australia;
The 10th Annual Congress on Controversies in Ophthalmology (COPHY) 2019, April 4-6th, 2019, Dublin, Ireland;
ARVO 2019, April 28th - May 2nd 2019, Vancouver, Canada;
The Royal College of Ophthalmologists Annual Congress 2019, May 20–23th, 2019;
Nordic Glaucoma Meeting, May 24-25, 2019;
SOE 2019, June 13-16th 2019, Nice, France;
EGS Members' Meeting 2019, August 29-31st 2019, Bordeaux, France;
37th Congress of the ESCRS, September 14-18th 2019, Paris, France;
AAO Meeting, October 12-15th 2019, San Francisco, USA;
EVER 2019, October 17-19th 2019 Nice, France;